Monday, May 23, 2011

Rhubarb Pie

We recently visited my husband's grandparents up north.  I decided to use some of the rhubarb to make a rhubarb pie to share with them.  It went over very well.  Case in point: Grandma, who has Alzheimer's, usually needs help feeding herself.  Well, after she finished her piece she grabbed Grandpa's hand, fork and some of his pie so she could get another bite :)  Here is a link to the recipe if you are interested.  I cheated and used a store bought crust.  A homemade crust and vanilla ice cream would make it even better. 

Grandma used to do a lot of cooking/baking.  I'm curious if she has a good pie recipe hiding somewhere.  Do you have any family pie recipes that have been passed down?

On a side note, before we left for the trip, I used a few of the mushrooms and chives on a frozen pizza.  The frozen pizza was nothing special, but finding out that Jackson really likes mushrooms was :)

1 comment:

  1. My absolute favorite pie of all time is Strawberry-Rhubarb pie. I made 4 or 5 last summer during June. I am still trying to work out the kinks with freezing them (gets a bit runny....still tastes FABULOUS...I'm thinking more flour instead of cornstarch??). Anyway....check out these rhubarb recipes from Bure's Berry Patch. On a side note, you MUST go picking there if you get a chance. Last year we had such GREAT berries from there. I'm hoping to double or triple the amount and get a lot more jam and pies in the freezer for the winter!!
